Benefits of Insulation
Many buildings constructed within the last decade have already experienced major failures due to water damage and air leakage across the building envelope that caused condensation and mold growth. Now, building scientists are emphasizing the benefits of using effective air barriers for homeowners and trades. Air barriers significantly reduce random air leakage, conserving up to 40 percent of a building’s energy loss and improving indoor air quality, when combined with mechanical ventilation. Air barriers also extend the life of a building by minimizing the flow of airborne moisture that can breed condensation, mold growth and decay.
Introducing Icynene Classic Max
LOW VOC SPRAY FOAM INSULATION BY ICYENNENEW! Icynene Classic Max low VOC spray foam insulation allows for one hour re-entry and re-occupancy after two hours of active ventilation (at 40 ACH) following installation meaning construction schedules can be shortened. No other spray foam product on the market offers performance and construction advantages like Icynene Classic Max. Use Icynene Classic Max into your next residential build and differentiate your business today! Other benefits to using Icynene Classic Max™ (LD-C-50-v2) are:Classic_Max_SPF_Comparison.PNG · Ignition barrier free · Improved yield compared to our Classic spray foam · This one and done application saves you both time and money. Characteristics · Open-cell structure with air · 100% water-blown · Light density 0.5 lb. · HFC- and PBDE-free · Soft to touch · Not a vapor barrier · Expands ~100 times from liquid state · Application thickness is not limited · Low exothermic reaction temperature; will not harm coatings on electrical wiring, plumbing or other building components · Lower cost compared to closed-cell products · Lowest global warming potential (GWP of 1) · A low-emitting material (LEM) as per CHPS EQ 2.2 Section 01350 (Collaborative for High Performance Schools) Icynene delivers high-performance solutions for efficient building envelopes, thermal comfort and a healthy living environment – all of which are integral components of green building and design. Icynene can also contribute points/credits to LEED for Homes + the NAHB National Green Building Standard.

The Insulation for Total Building Performance and Process Advantages
Icynene insulating spray foam is not just insulation; it’s also an air barrier that seals cracks and crevices other insulation types miss, easily providing a superior air seal even in the most unconventional designs. This means that by choosing Icynene insulating spray foam, you can deliver unique and impressive performance advantages that will help to preserve the integrity of your commercial buildings for years to come.
Your clients will be especially glad to know that Icynene insulating spray foam pays for itself in just three to four years on average — and performs for the life of the building, guaranteed.
Better yet, Icynene insulating spray foam comes with industry-leading support that can help you solve some of your job’s biggest challenges, whether you are designing and building a hospital, factory or other commercial building.
Performance Benefits of Icynene Insulating Spray Foam
Extreme energy efficiency – Up to 50% possible savings on heating and cooling costs
Improved indoor air quality – Better protection against allergens and pollutants
Noise reduction – Peace and quiet to make a building more conducive to its purpose
Moisture management – Prevention against water and condensation, even in buildings requiring dual indoor climates (e.g. certain factories) Process Benefits of Icynene Insulating Spray Foam
Design flexibility – For commercial buildings, Icynene insulating spray foam can efficiently seal even the most intricate and unusually shaped designs without delaying the construction schedule of your commercial building. In fact, it often saves times.
All the right insulating spray foam formulas Icynene offers commercial insulating spray foam options for new construction and renovation projects of all kinds in any climate
Healthier – Superior Indoor Air, Low Environmental Impact®
The time spent indoors should help to maintain occupant health and well-being. That’s why it is important to select building products like Icynene® soft foam insulation and air barrier system, which was manufactured with health and well-being in mind. Icynene® contributes to a healthy indoor environment in three critical ways:
1). Icynene® is 100% water-blown and does not emit harmful gases once cured. Icynene® contains no ozone-depleting substances and does not off-gas over time, unlike some conventional insulation that can deteriorate as time passes. Icynene maintains its efficiency with no loss of R-value to provide healthy indoor air (and energy savings) for its occupants today and for years to come. Selecting products that provide longevity, like Icynene®, reduces the impact on the environment because it eliminates the need for the installation of additional material in the future.
2). Icynene creates a continuous air barrier in the walls, ceilings and floors, which minimizes the intrusion of outdoor allergens and pollutants. Icynene® helps buildings achieve U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEEDTM) credits.
3) As an integrated insulation and air barrier, Icynene effectively minimizes air leakage and accompanying moisture (air leakage accounts for as much as 99% of moisture movement in a structure). So effective is Icynene at minimizing condensation, moisture build-up, and the growth of mold or mildew, the product is often specified for use in museums, art galleries, and libraries where condensation control is critical to preserving the integrity of valuable collections.
Simply put, installing Icynene in your home or business is not just insulation, but a complete Insulation System. Batt and Blown In Fiber Insulation products offer an R-Value (R is an indication of heat conduction) benefit only. The thicker the application the higher the R-Value. The negative effects of these products are that they compress over time and they allow airflow, both of which reduce its R-Value and effectiveness as insulation. Therma Seal Insulation Systems creates an “unvented attic” assembly, which prohibits the intrusion of heat, humidity or pollen into the attic space. More importantly, the cool air you produce; which in the past has seeped through the conventional insulation and dispersed out into the environment, is now retained in the attic space. The result is a home, which cools quickly and then retains this temperature significantly longer. The benefits you gain by adding this system include air quality, sound absorption, and improved energy efficiency.